By Odumase, May 13  A Mothers seminar and get together has been held at Odumase, the Sunyani West Municipal capital of the Bono region with call on women to be resilient in life, learn to be flexible and open-minded when faced with unexpected circumstances. Madam Serah Kahuri, a guestContinue Reading

By Kumasi, April 26, 2024  The G2 Foundation, a vulnerable welfare oriented organization is calling for stronger actions from government and policymakers to safeguard widows/widowers from all forms of discriminations and help them to enjoy their fundamental human rights.  The non-governmental organization (G2 Foundation), seeks the socioeconomic rights andContinue Reading

Assist The Widow, Widowhood is not a Curse – G2 Foundation Admonishes Families Of Deceased By Aburaso (Ashanti Region), January 18, 2023. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of G2 Foundation, Ms Gifty Nyarko has expressed the need for families of deceased to assist the windows, their children as wellContinue Reading