By Sunyani, May 07, 2024 The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) is calling for government intervention to better the financial position of journalists and media practitioners in other to whip up their interest agenda setting and gatekeeping duties. The GJA noted the media had stop their agenda setting, watch-dog and gatekeepingContinue Reading

By Kumasi, April 26, 2024  The G2 Foundation, a vulnerable welfare oriented organization is calling for stronger actions from government and policymakers to safeguard widows/widowers from all forms of discriminations and help them to enjoy their fundamental human rights.  The non-governmental organization (G2 Foundation), seeks the socioeconomic rights andContinue Reading

Africa: The huge markets prospects for local businesses By Goaso, (Ahafo Region) Nov.17, 2023 The Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) says huge markets abounds in the African Sub-Regions, therefore encouraged businesses and entrepreneurs to focus on trading within the Continent. The authority explained there are higher demands for goodsContinue Reading

Perseverance for Dream achievement By Waregem (Belgium), October 20, 2022 Greater success is achieved, not when one is lazy and waiting for miraculous blessings of God, but determination, perseverance and hard work coupled with God’s favor and blessings. Pastor Charles Sarkodie, Pastor of Faith Foundation Ministries International, a BelgiumContinue Reading