
Sunyani, June 09, 2024

The Social Science department of the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Senior High School, Fiapre, Sunyani, has placed high priority on the tree planting project for sustainable natural habitation.

“We geographers are Ambassadors of nature, so ours is to protect and preserve nature for prosperity”, Mr. Gyibirid Rafat, a geography tutor, SDA SHS in Sunyani emphasized. 

Mr. Rafat told  News during the tree planting exercises with his students on Friday at the SDA Hospital and School to complement the national exercise.

“We teach geography in the classrooms and have to practicalize and place importance on it as people, hence we are out to plant the trees and not in the classroom today”.

Mr. Rafat and his geography students planted 100 trees of different species, including canopy and acacia, and fruit trees such as coconut and mango to protect the School and Hospital environment.

The exercise formed part of the Sunyani Forest District’s 400,000 trees target this year and 10 million trees to be planted Nationwide.

The Ghana Institute of Planning (GIP), Sunyani Zone organized and supported the SDA Hospital and School participatory efforts to plant the trees on their environment. 

It was in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forestry Commission and the Fiapre Traditional Authorities. 

Mr. Benjamin Abonkra, the Forest Range Manager, Sunyani Forest District urged the school and Hospital management to supervise and ensure the students constantly water the trees, weed and fence them to prevent stray animals from destroying such important project.

The Traditional leaders thanked President Nana Akufo-Addo for the initiative and demonstrated higher spirits of commitment to sustaining the future through tree planting.

“Trees are very important aspect of living, let’s support and help achieve the motive”, Nana Kwadjo Asante, the Gyasuwahene of the Odumase No1 Traditional Council, also a member of the spatial planning committee of the Sunyani West Municipal Assembly stated. 

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