By thefourlens.com
Sunyani, December 27, 2023
Elder Godfred Asamoah Kwame Agyemang and wife, Deaconess Louisa both of the Sunyani Central District of the Church of Pentecost has joyfully welcomed quadruplets in the Christmas festive season after 24 years of marriage.
Elder Godfred is a business man and Deaconess Louisa is with the Forestry Commission.
The elderly couple believed to be in their 50s are residents of Abesim in the Sunyani Municipality of the Bono region.
The children comprises of three girls and a boy, namely Godfred Asamoah Agyemang Jnr (Adom), Ann Anima Asamoah Agyemang (Agyede), Maria Oduro Asamoah Agyemang (Ayeyi) and Louisa Pokuaa Asamoah Agyemang (Nhyira).

Their naming ceremony and dedication witnessed by Apostles, Pastors, Chiefs and Queens, Heads of Security Agencies and the general public in Sunyani on Sunday, December 17, 2023 ended their twenty-four (24) years of childlessness.
They got married on March 14, 1999 at the Sunyani Central District of the church during the tenure of Pastor Frederick Kweku Andoh, the then resident Minister of the District, under the chairmanship of Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy.
“We have suffered during this period of childlessness, but had never denied our faith in God”, Eld. Godfred said with joy in an interview with thefourlens.com.
They said they have been through several challenges of miscarriage, sought medical examinations and advice from gynaecologists and other specialists for twenty-three (23) years but to no avail.
Elder Godfred, popularly know as “ELLENGOZ”, meaning “Evidence of God’s Glory” described the societal pressure and stigmatisation as suicidal, particularly with him being the Presiding elder.
“Some officers indirectly uses our situation to preach on the pulpit, a situation that discouraged my wife from getting involved in church activities and that was a big low from where I’m standing as leader in the church”, h said.
Elder Godfred said as they prayed along their predicaments, Deaconess Louisa recalled the 25th of November 2022 when she texted positive.

Quoting Psalm 9:10, Romans 8:28 and Issaiah 1:21, he emphasized their faith in God played a vital role in getting them out of such predicaments.
He encouraged others with similar and other forms of challenges to keep trusting God in all situations and understand “what God cannot do does not exist”.
During the sermon at the joyful and well attended naming ceremony, Apostle James Gabriel Quardson encouraged couples to remain righteous before God in all circumstances, saying, God makes everything beautiful and perfect to those that wait on Him faithfully.
Writer’s email: ttchrietoph1@gmail.com