Social Welfare Officers to undertake PWDs’ needs and profile assessment

Needs of PWDs to be assessed by Social Welfare 


Goaso, December 01,2022

Officials of the Social Welfare have been tasked to undertake thorough assessment of needs and profile of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).

The move, according to the new guidelines documents for the management and disbursements of District Assemblies Common Fund for the PWDs would help get rid of ghost names on the list of PWDs.

It was also to ensure requests of beneficiaries of the fund were exactly what would meet their livelihood demands for judicious use of the fund and economic betterment support items.

At a sensitization workshop for the PWDs at Goaso in the Ahafo region over the weekend, Mr. Kennedy Wepia Seidu, the assistant Ahafo regional social development Officer, in a remark pledged commitment of the Social Welfare to ensure the welfare of the PWDs in all endeavors. 

Mr. Kennedy Wepia Seidu speaking

He pleaded with them to exercise maximum patience and look up to the Social Welfare for better and relentless services.

The Nationwide capacity building was organized and facilitated by Ghana Somubi Dwumadie, a disability focus organization with funding support from the UK Aid.

PWDs’ in group picture at Goaso

It was to empower the PWDs to hold the Disability Fund Management accountable in terms of mismanagement, political interference and unwarranted delays in disbursement of the livelihood support fund and items. 

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